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Alexander Archipenko

Alexander Archipenko (1887 - 1964)

Alexander Archepinko

Blue Dancer, 1913

Bronze with black patina
42 inches
Inscribed, dated and numbered ‘Archipenko 13 8/8’  (on left leg)
Conceived in 1913 and cast during the artist’s lifetime

Perls Gallery, New York
Acquired from the above by the present owner, 25 October 1977

Los Angeles, UCLA Art Galleries, Alexander Archipenko: A Memorial Exhibition, 1967-1969, No.14
New York, Eaton Fine Art, Inc., Alexander Archipenko, 2005, No.2

D. H. Karshan, Archipenko International Visionary, Washington D.C., 1969, p.36 (another cast illustrated: plate 27)
D. H. Karshan, Archipenko, The Sculpture and Graphic Art, Tubingen, 1974, p.37 (another cast illustrated)
K. J. Michaelsen, Archipenko: A Study of The Early Works, 1908-1920, New York, 1977 (another cast illustrated: plate S47)
A. Barth, Alexander Archipenko’s Plastisches Oeuvres, Frankfert-am-Main, 1997, Vol II, no.43 (another cast illustrated p.95)


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